Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"A Message To Thin Air" or "A Dying Man's Non Sequitur"

Dear William F. Wet Blanket, jr.

Stating that the Minutemen are nationalist, carry firearms, and indeed are from Tombstone is not extreme. It is a fact. In fact, you can go to some of the diners there in Tombstone and buy the group's bumper stickers and hats when you are dining on fat burgers and munching down freedom fries. You only choose to see the political stuff that I post on Ray-Man's FB page. You are writing from ignorance and a myopic viewpoint when you go on to posit that everything I post is political, left-wing, and nonsensical. You do not see what I post on my own profile. Inductive reasoning is usually flawed reasoning just like conventional wisdom is usually not very good wisdom. Do you find my writing nonsensical because it can be perceived as left-wing, or because you disagree with it?

I write on and about a myriad of topics and comment whimsically on some of the other posts from time-to-time on some of the interesting things that Dr. Know is always seeming to get into. I would say you should read them yourself and find that I am multi-dimensional, but your lazy, anti-intellectual thinking and lack of a sense of humor are quite striking to me (and all too common). Did you even once actually imagine Ryan buying a rifle and trying to join the Minutemen? Did you get the reference to the band of the same name? I giggled to myself at the imagery of the scene playing in my head as I was writing in the gray confines of my cubicle.

Your bullshit two-sided viewpoint is problematic in that the world does not work in this manner. This or that? Black or white? Good or evil?

You wrote, "I have friends who do things on the other side?"

What other side are referring to? National-Socialism? I am neither a Communist, nor partisan. Mostly I would define myself as somewhat of a cynical, secular humanist. Is this too extreme for your tastes?

The moral of the story? I am quite calm, mostly peaceful, and as I wrote once before: keep my name out of your mouth and your eyes on the road to oblivion; since you do not seem to suffer fools gladly.

Just be passive and entertained. It's much easier on the mind.


Watch me some Minutemen. Click Here.

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